Yes that means you! Be the prize and watch them put in all the leg work, watch them come chasing after you, jumping through hoops and making the time to see you. The only thing rarer than a beautiful women is a prince charming that has his life together. They want to chase the prize, they want to choose for once. How can you appreciate the same car you have driven your whole life? Women have been getting chased and chosen since day one. Women get chased and chosen on a daily basis, they really don't appreciate it. * I'm only as good as my competitor is bad - Never chase women, let them choose you "ALWAYS". I could literally write a whole book as a review to this magnificent piece of literature but instead I know people do not have that attention capacity so instead I will write some quotes and snippets that I have found interesting and that I have ingrained into my life philosophy. A book that went against everything I had been told. Oh boy, where do I start? How do you begin to describe a book that has had such a high impact on your life? A book that is solely responsible from getting me from there to here? A book that was discovered upon desperation after years of frustration, loneliness, turmoil and rejection? A book that shattered my beliefs, shook me to my core and challenged my view and philosophy of life and relationships in particular. Like him or hate him, this is a unique, thought provoking book you won't believe, won't put down and certainly won't get back if you lend it! How do you date seven women at the same time, with them all knowing about each other? How do you get women want to take you out, spoil you, get you gifts, even take you on holiday? How do you ensure you are worshipped both in and out of bed? How do you have a relationship on your own terms and conditions? To many men the question is not How? but rather, is that even possible? The answers are here. His writings are packed with philosophical reasoning, crash-tested psychology, high-powered countermanipulation and humour. Paradise constantly engages the reader with the most detailed and compelling descriptions of the business of "gentlemen of leisure" ever to be published. Yet he is honest and sincere with his women.

He turns his power over women into money like a modern day alchemist. This groundbreaking book is a mind-blowing uncensored tour-de-force of Paradise's extraordinary lifestyle.